Bowen Therapy is a very effective treatment option for a large variety of health concerns, and Dr. Ramona uses it frequently in her practice. It is similar to a massage or an acupuncture treatment, in that the patient relaxes on the treatment table, covered by a blanket. Dr. Ramona applies gentle pressure along muscles, tendons and ligaments in an attempt to cause a release in that tissue. In this way, muscle patterns that have resulted from an injury are released and the body can heal. Dr. Ramona uses Bowen therapy to treat a variety of conditions including but not limited to:
- Sciatica
- Joint pain – back, hips, knees, ankles, shoulders, elbow, wrists, neck
- Muscle tension and tightness
- Plantar fasciitis
- Bedwetting in children
- Headaches and Migraines
- Respiratory conditions – cough, asthma
- Frozen shoulder
- Menstrual cramps
- Carpel Tunnel
- Tennis/Golfers elbow, Tendonitis
- Ear infections, sinus infections, swollen lymph nodes